

Carnivore Damage Prevention News

Carnivore Damage Prevention News (CDPnews) is a professional newsletter focused on the complex challenges presented by the coexistence of carnivores and human communities. It acts as a forum to raise awareness of potential solutions, to facilitate collaboration among practitioners, researchers, managers and others as well as to improve knowledge exchange between countries and across the boundaries of traditional disciplines.

Our mission

CDPnews was created in response to the challenges and opportunities of coexisting with carnivores. We aim to bring together diverse people and interests, sharing knowledge worldwide of the broad range of existing adaptation strategies and encouraging constructive dialogue and practical innovation.

This issues focuses on volunteer support for livestock farmers. Several programmes are presented in which volunteers and farmers are connected in France, Germany, Italy, Sweden and Switzerland. To complete the picture, farmers’ opinions of volunteer help can be read in two interviews and the experience is also described from a volunteer’s perspective. They make it clear that such activities provide practical and moral support and also help foster mutual understanding and coexistence, not only of predators and livestock but also of people with very different backgrounds, values and opinions.

Call for submissions

CDPnews is open to proposals for articles from anyone with expertise or experience in the field anywhere in the world. Submissions, which are peer-reviewed by our editorial team, range from original research to reviews of best practices, evaluating new tools and techniques, presentation of projects or personal perspectives and opinion pieces. 

Our Guidelines for Authors can be downloaded below

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