

Exchanging knowledge to facilitate coexistence

Carnivores compete with people for resources. The threats they pose to property, lives and livelihoods lead to predators being persecuted, with negative consequences for both humans and wildlife. In recent decades, some carnivore species have recolonised areas where they were absent for many years and people are no longer used to their presence and impacts. Traditional knowledge and innovative approaches to preventing damage and mitigating conflicts can contribute to finding workable solutions for human–wildlife coexistence. While many initiatives deal with damage prevention on a local or regional level, their results are not always readily available more widely. Smaller studies and those with negative findings, as when an intervention fails to produce the desired outcome, often go unpublished, even though much can be learned from them. Carnivore Damage Prevention News (CDPnews) was created to fill such gaps and to facilitate the exchange of information and experience among all interested people.

An interdisciplinary approach​

The emphasis of CDPnews on gathering views from different perspectives and disciplines makes it a source of up-to-date information and scientific data as much as a platform for exchange of knowledge, experience, new ideas and perspectives. Although Europe predominates, the content is worldwide and features a variety of carnivorans including canids, felids, bears and other species.

Not only technical and biological aspects but also human dimensions are addressed through articles about damage prevention measures, compensation schemes, livestock/predator behaviour and interactions, stakeholder involvement, dialogue platforms, husbandry, pastoral traditions, etc. Management, policy and legislation, as well as cost–benefit analysis, financial mechanisms and other socio-economic issues, are also featured.

CDPnews covers a broad range of topics mainly related to :

  • Livestock guarding dogs
  • Shepherds and husbandry
  • Electric and other types of fencing
  • Human dimensions and attitudes
  • Management and policies
  • Financial mechanisms
  • Other measures to prevent damage and mitigate conflicts

Types of articles considered for publication include:

  • Research, methods and results
  • Reviews of best practice
  • Testing of new tools and techniques
  • Presentation of projects
  • Personal perspectives and interviews

Partners and funding

  • CDPnews was first published in 2000–05 by the Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe and the KORA Foundation, supported by WWF International.
  • It was relaunched by Grupo Lobo in 2014 and expanded into a full-colour magazine format thanks to EU support through the LIFE MedWolf project.
  • Since 2019, its publication has been coordinated by Agridea – the Swiss centre for agricultural advisory and extension services, with funding from the European Commission (through the LIFE EuroLargeCarnivores project), WWF Switzerland and WWF Germany.

Global reach with a European focus

Both the content and readership of CDPnews are global, though with an emphasis on Europe (a). Our 2022 survey found that readers are evenly split between researchers and those with practical roles including users, expert advisors and wildlife managers as well as conservationists (b).